
Execute logic based on logged in Usertype Standard or Community Portal User

If we want to execute the logic particular to the Usertype we can use UserInfo.getUserType.There are different usertypes in salesforce. 1) Standard 2) PowerPartner 3) CSPLitePortal 4) CustomerSuccess 5) PowerCustomerSuccess 6) CsnOnly if(UserInfo.getUserType()=='CspLitePortal' || UserInfo.getUserType()=='PowerCustomerSuccess' || UserInfo.getUserType()=='Standard'){   // Logic } Reference :

Salesforce Ant Package.xml Metadata Types

package.xml file used to retrieve metadata using ANT from salesforce sandbox. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Package xmlns="">     <!--Apex Classes-->     <types>         <members>*</members>         <name>ApexClass</name>     </types> <!--Apex Component--> <types>         <members>*</members>         <name>ApexComponent</name>     </types> <!-- Apex Page --> <types>         <members>*</members>         <name>ApexPage</name>     </types> <!-- Custom Application-->     <types>         <members>*</members>         <name>CustomApplica...

Salesforce Regex Validation Rule in International Format

Create validation rule on phone or mobile field on any Account or Contact object on salesforce.Then it will check for whether phone number is given as empty or given in proper format or not. NOT(REGEX( Phone , "^\\s*(?:\\+?(\\//*|\\d{1,3}))?([-. (\\d*]*(\\d{3})[-. )]*)?((\\d{3})[-. ]*(\\d{2,4})(?:[-.x ]*(\\d+))(?:\\s*(?:#|\\//*|\\\\|,|-| |x|\\|.?|ext\\.?|extension\\.?|\\*)*([-. \\//\\\\(\\d*]*(\\d{1,4})[-. )]*)\\s*(\\d|#+))?)\\s*$")) Useful Link : Account Validation rule

Script to delete multiple records using Apex salesforce

Delete multiple records from salesforce anonymous block using some script.find the below script just paste the script in the anonymous vlock and select the code and click on Execute Highlighted. Before that if any conditions need to check add it in SOQL Query or if condition then it will filter the records and delete the records. If there are more records we have to run this script multiple times .if we try to delete all the records at a time we might get the DML and limit adding limit in SOQL query and executing. Example :  Object : ABC__c Fields : field1__c, field2__c list<ABC__c> abclist = new list<ABC__c>(); List<ABC__c > alltldroles = [SELECT id,name,field1__c,field2__c                              FROM ABC__c LIMIT 1000]; if(alltldroles.size()>0){     for(ABC__c tldroleslist : alltldroles) {          if(tldroleslist...

Steelbrick CPQ Quote Template Notes

Creating Quote is a very important functionality in the CPQ Steelbrick. Quote consist of number of products ordered and cost of the products.Steelbrick provided option to customize the template. Steelbrick provided below features to customize templates : An HTML toolbar that is used to edit and format the template. Template sections that is used to control display order of the sections. We can Repeat header and footer Visualforce inclusions for your custom code The template editor consists of two primary layout components: Sections : Blocks of information that contain one or more pieces of template content. Examples include Template Top, Line Items, and Template Bottom. Content : The actual quote-specific information that is stored within a given section. For example, the Template Top Section could contain the Prepared For, Prepared By, Quote #, Date, Expires On, Contract Start, and Contract End Content. Find the below Sample Quote. Steelbrick CPQ Quote Template...

Salesforce CPQ Release Notes

Salesforce released Steelbrick CPQ latest version Winter 18. Please find the below Updates. CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-p5 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p6 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p7 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p8 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p9 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p10 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p11 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p12 CPQ-Steelbrick-winter18-updates-p13


Steelbrick Pricing and Discounts :  CPQ Pricing and Discounts are ategorized into below. Pricing Methods Original Price Discounting Discount Schedules Combine Block Pricing with Discount Schedules Customer Specific Pricing find the below screenshots to understand the above concepts easily. CPQ-pricing-methods CPQ Pricing Methods are 4 types. List Cost Block Percent of Total Original Price : The Original Price field represents the “standard price” of the product Used in Price Rules to adjust the original price to pull from a block price, cost + mark-up calculation Original Price field allows the current List Price to be considered a calculated List Price or adjusted List Price so discretionary discounts and uplifts can be added on top of the calculated List Price Discounting : find the below image for CPQ Discounting information. CPQ-Discounting CPQ Discount Schedule :  CPQ-Discount-Schedule


Steelbrick CPQ Custom Actions  : Salesforce Steelbrick CPQ divided custom actions into 3 types : Buttons Menus Seperators In the image 1 represents Buttons , 2 represents Menus and 3 represent Steelbrick-CPQ-Custom-Actions Dynamic Bundles :  Create a feature that presents the user with only Miscellaneous products when Add Options is Clicked. CPQ-Dynamic-Bundles


Steelbrick CPQ Options : find the below image showing the options in the Configure Products. Steelbrick-CPQ-Options Steelbrick CPQ Features : Find the below image showing the options in the Configure Products. Steelbrick-CPQ-Features Steelbrick CPQ Options Constraints : Find the below image showing the options in the Options Constraints. Steelbrick-CPQ-Options-Constraints


Steelbrick CPQ Settings : Salesforce Product Bundles : Before going to understand the Steelbrick functionality we have to understand the Products,options,features and option constraints in the Steelbrick CPQ. Please refer the below picture. CPQ Product Bundle, Steelbrick product bundle Check below Screens to understand the product bundle options and features.