Salesforce Classic to Lightning Intergration / Lightning Out Salesforce:
What is the use of Lightning Out Salesforce ? Lightning Out is used to add lighting components into the Visualforce is a flexible and powerful feature provided by salesforce to embeded Lighting components into the any Web page. Once we embed lighting component in any visualforce page/ visualforce component we can see lightning component features in any webpage.this is possible by using lighting Out.we can display lightning component errors/exceptions also in visualforce pages. Is it possible to display ligtning component exceptions/errors in visualforce page ? Yes Is Lightning Out is a iframe ? No Where We can i Use Lighting Out ? Classic / Salesforce1 / Lightning Experience What are steps to create Lightning Out Functionality ? 1) Include <apex:includeLightning/> in the Visualforce to add Lightning components for visualforce javascript library.(Include it in begining of the page) 2) Create lightning application and include it in lighting Use.This is...