Salesforce Lightning Design System - SLDS
Salesforce Lightning Design System : Salesforce has 2 desktop user interface. 1) Salesforce classic 2) Lightning Experience Salesforce lightning Design System use to design responsive webpages compatable to all the devices. we know the Salesforce classic very well because we already working from long back.Now we will learn about what is Lightning Experience in Salesforce. Lightning Experience is a easy way to Design application userinterface and develop the functionality. it is completely modern way of designing. What we are doing in salesforce Classic, we can do it in salesforce lightning. but everyone thinking why we need to switch to Lightning ??? 1) We can track sales, services easily and close deals fastly. 2) More user friendly design using SLDS. 3) Less Design and Development Efforts. Lightning design system Salesforce lightning Design System helps to desing beautiful and powerful user friendly applications.It helps to build applications easily. W...