
Showing posts with the label mobile Regex

Salesforce Regex Validation Rule in International Format

Create validation rule on phone or mobile field on any Account or Contact object on salesforce.Then it will check for whether phone number is given as empty or given in proper format or not. NOT(REGEX( Phone , "^\\s*(?:\\+?(\\//*|\\d{1,3}))?([-. (\\d*]*(\\d{3})[-. )]*)?((\\d{3})[-. ]*(\\d{2,4})(?:[-.x ]*(\\d+))(?:\\s*(?:#|\\//*|\\\\|,|-| |x|\\|.?|ext\\.?|extension\\.?|\\*)*([-. \\//\\\\(\\d*]*(\\d{1,4})[-. )]*)\\s*(\\d|#+))?)\\s*$")) Useful Link : Account Validation rule