Salesforce Data migration/Data Consolidation Tricks & Tips
1) Change System TimeZone to UTC. Rightclick on date and time and click on Adjust date/ Time Zone select UTC Coordinated Universel time. Adjust date/time for salesforce data migration Adjust date/time for salesforce data migration 2) Update your dataloader time zone as GMT. Salesforce dataloader time Zone 3) Change time zone in salesforce user org to GMT+00:00 Greenwhich mean time GMT 4) While Exporting Data use UTF-8 to avoid special characters. 5) Always Use CSV file format to export and load the data. 6) While loading data keep short date system (yyyy-dd-mm)format in excel. 7) Save files with version names ex : samplefile_v1.csv 8) Turnoff Email Deliverabilities while loading data. 9) Check Field mapping in dataloader and save mapping file (slds) for feature use. 10) Check some records/data manually after load. 11) Store previous record id in any external unique field. 12 ) Learn vlookup in Microsoft excel, i will useful for Map...